Program & Replays
The 7 Secret Keys: Your Superpowers to Overcoming the Challenges of Chronic Pain

With chronic pain, there is a gradual loss of anything pleasurable. The world dims. The psyche tightens. We move less and less. Releasing the grip of chronic pain is a process — and yet, it can also happen surprisingly quickly. Discover how your learning body can serve you in far more ways than you've probably ever imagined. Join Cynthia Allen as she discusses the 7 Secret Keys that can unlock your movement superpowers, through discussion plus Awareness Through Movement and Bones for Life experiential explorations.
In this session, you’ll discover:
- How neuroplasticity creates chronic pain and how you can also use it to solve it
- 7 Secret Keys that can overcome the challenge of pain
- Your learning body's ability to release the grip of pain and add color and texture to your life through easeful movement
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Cynthia Allen has been working in wellness, healthcare management, and organizational consulting for over 35 years. In 2001, she became a certified Feldenkrais® practitioner and, more recently, a senior trainer in movement intelligence. She is the creator of Your Learning Body, the Feldenkrais Move Better, Feel Better Summits and Your Better Back. Cynthia is also co-creator of Integral Human Gait theory. All her programs serve to help people jump to their next highest level of function and enjoyment of life.
She has found Feldenkrais Method and Bones for Life/Movement Intelligence to be a vital part of finding personal health despite life challenges. In her private practice, she's had the privilege of working with people of all ages and all levels of activity.
Cynthia has written about the Feldenkrais Method, pain, and trauma for the alternative Complementary Therapies Journal as well as the online Chronic Pain Partners. She has conducted and published a research paper “Alternative Movement Program in Geriatric Rehabilitation” in Functional Neurology, Rehabilitation, and Ergonomics.
Cynthia has presented workshops and retreats throughout the U.S., and has taught as adjunct faculty at Xavier University. She has provided programming for many hospitals, medical practices, and corporations including Procter and Gamble and Drake Rehabilitation Center. Today, her practice is held online, allowing her to serve more people than she ever realized was possible.