Program & Replays
Pick a Spot, Any Spot: All Bodies are Brimming With Beauty and Order

According to Candy Conino, each part of us is designed perfectly for its particular function. When we attend to ourselves through the lens of movement, when we appreciate and respect our natural architecture, we diminish our resistance to our limitations — and take joy in our potential. Candy also delves into what it means to be a confidently competent somatic practitioner, and how practitioners can learn to build both.
In this session, you’ll discover:
- A 10-minute movement exploration of the relationship between structure and function
- Three anatomical misunderstandings that commonly lead to pain and dysfunction
- How to sit more comfortably
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Candy Conino is a physical therapist, an assistant trainer in the Feldenkrais® method, and an experienced international facilitator. She is currently the integration facilitator for the Kinēsa certification program. Candy also teaches “Enough Anatomy” a six-module, 75-hour experiential anatomy program to somatic practitioners around the world. Candy maintains a private practice, and works predominantly with people who have complex pain disorders. Her classes and workshops span topics from the concrete (effortless sitting)... to the unconventional (teaching transgendered students authentic masculine/feminine deportment)... to the metaphysical (Soul School: An Intuition-Based Study of Body, Mind, and Spirit.) She is dedicated to teaching human beings how to move through life with power, the integrity of spirit, and joy.